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Information – VIZEN face shield

Lowering the impact protection rating for high-speed particles.

May 17 2017

Rope access and confined space


The facts

VIZEN face shields with serial numbers from 15300 to16365 experienced production variations during the manufacturing process. Their impact protection rating for high-speed particles is F (45 m/s) and not B (120 m/s) as indicated in the technical notice.

These face shields remain compliant with all other certifications and ratings indicated in the technical notice:

  • EN 166: individual eye protection standard.
  • ANSI-ISEA Z87.1-2010: American standard for eye and face protection.
  • EN 170 2C-1.2: UV protection.
  • 1: Optical class.
  • 8: Resistance to short circuit electric arcs.
  • 1: Protection against electric arcs up to 4kA.
  • 0: The highest class of light transmission.

NOTE: this does not concern VIZIR and VIZIR SHADOW face shields.


Locating the protection rating in the technical notice

Informations de la notice technique


Locating the serial number on a VIZEN face shield


Corrective actions

  • All customers who purchased a face shield concerned by this protection rating reduction (serial numbers 15300 to 16365) can request a replacement product as part of our 3-year guarantee. In this case, the replacement will be provided as of mid-November 2017. If any difficulties arise, please contact the customer service department of your Petzl distributor.
  • The product marking and technical notices for VIZEN face shields delivered as of mid-May will be updated to indicate the F impact protection rating for high-speed particles.
  • The manufacturing process for VIZEN face shields will be modified to guarantee a B impact protection rating for high-speed particles. These face shields will be available starting in mid-November 2017.
  • All compliance declarations will be available for download on, under the "technical information" section on the VIZEN page


We are aware of the inconvenience that this situation may cause, and thank you in advance for your understanding. Petzl's first and foremost priority will always be customer satisfaction and safety. 

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