Rappelling - Petzl Portugal


On a rappel descent, the rope techniques require vigilance and organization. All maneuvers at the station must be done while tethered to the station.


  • Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itself. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information.
  • Mastering these techniques requires specific training. Work with a professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised.
  • We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here.

1. Installing the rope in the station

Make sure that the rappel station consists of two connected points. Tie a flat overhand bend. Securely tighten the knot connecting the two rope ends.

Note: a knot at the end of the rope is a necessary precaution in a variety of situations (long rappel, poor visibility, fatigue...).

Installing the rope in the station

Installing the rope in the station

2. Installing the friction hitch

The friction hitch can hold the user if they need to release their hands during the rappel (falling rocks, knots in rope...).

- Installing the friction hitch before installing the descender helps create slack, which facilitates descender installation.

Attach the friction hitch to the belay loop of the harness with a girth hitch, to make it drop resistant.

Installing the friction hitch

Installing the friction hitch

3. Installing the descender

- Attach the fixed arm of the DUAL CONNECT ADJUST to the descender.

- Install the strands of rope in the descender, remembering to lock the carabiner.

Installing the descender

Installing the descender

- Take up slack between the descender and the anchor, and between the descender and the friction hitch.

- Remove the adjustable arm from the anchor: you are ready to rappel.

Installing the descender

4. Reaching the next anchor

To more easily reach the anchor, set the adjustable arm of your lanyard to its maximum length.

Reaching the next anchor

Reaching the next anchor

Once you have clipped the anchor and are on your feet, adjust the length of your lanyard.

5. Setting up for the next rappel

- Remove the rope from the descender and friction hitch.

- Attach the two ropes to the station so as not to lose them and to back up the second climber's descent.

- Remove the knots at the ends of the rope if necessary.

- Pass the rope end to be pulled through the quick link

Setting up for the next rappel

6. Recovering the rope

Once the second climber is tied in, pull the rope.

The second pulls the appropriate rope end; the leader ensures that it runs smoothly through the quick link. Once the knot reaches the anchor, the lead climber may begin installing their friction hitch and descender. Once the two ropes have been recovered, the leader is ready to descend.

Recovering the rope

Recovering the rope