Videos - Petzl : Desafio Vertical 2015 | Petzl Canada

Desafio Vertical 2015

July 14 2015

Technical rescue

On March 28 and 29, 2015, the city of Lima, Peru, hosted its first rope access and rescue competition. The event brought together 5 teams from different countries who enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and share their experience working in the vertical world.

The event consisted of 5 challenges that required participants to give it their all in order to prove their ability to move quickly at height, to transfer loads, and to self rescue while trying to avoid any and all obstacles placed in their way.

This event allowed the non-expert audience to view new techniques and to learn about the latest equipment in the work-at-height profession, and how using this equipment offers a worthwhile alternative to the current methods employed.

Join us in 2016 for the 2nd edition of "DESAFIO VERTICAL," where we are counting on more teams to participate and even harder challenges.

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