News - Petzl La cascade de glace vue par Matthias Scherer - Instagram Takeover - Petzl Schweiz
Communauté Actus et vidéos La cascade de glace vue par Matthias Scherer - Instagram Takeover

La cascade de glace vue par Matthias Scherer - Instagram Takeover

Régulièrement, les athlètes du team Petzl prennent le contrôle de notre compte Instagram. Pendant une semaine, ils nous transportent dans leur monde, nous font vivre leurs aventures et nous transmettent leurs valeurs. Début janvier 2017, Matthias Scherer, un glaciériste qui compte déjà plus de 1000 cascades de glace à son actif, nous a conté quelques-unes de ses sorties. Sortez vos doudounes et découvrez les sept posts de ce passionné. #MatthiasTakeover

16 Janvier 2017

Escalade sur glace

"De quelle valeur sont les convictions qui n'apportent pas de souffrance ?" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



"Il n'y a que deux cotations : je peux ou je ne peux pas"


#Iceclimbing is all about learning to read the ice and terrain. I've climbed more than 1,000 ice falls in my life but I am still learning new things and I am always prepared for a new surprise. This post shows the alternative climb to a project in Utladalen, #Norway. The column looked massive from below but at the end it was the typical Norwegian style of climbing through wild structures. Due to the proximity of the sea and frequent temperature swings, mighty ice structures can form very quickly in Norway. The ice is then very chandeliered with lots of air inside and hardly any protection for #icescrews. Normal WI grades have only a limited meaning on these ephemeral climbs. For me this means that there are only two grades: I can OR I cannot. Photo: @tanjaschmitt #MatthiasTakeover #AccessTheInaccessible

Une publication partagée par Petzl (@petzl_official) le



Savoir renoncer



"Nemesis", l'incontournable



Gudvangen : le Yosemite de la cascade de glace


There are places that carve themselves so deeply into you that you never forget them. The #Gudvangen valley in Norway could be considered the Yosemite of #iceclimbing. Black walls of rock rising up for 1000 meters with gleaming ice lines running down them. In February 2013, @tanjaschmitt and I climbed 'Kjerrskredkvelven' at roughly 1000m long this is one of the longest and hardest ice climbs in the world. Last season in January we returned to the Gudavangen valley with @heikemschmitt and were able to use a very short window to climb the outstanding line 'Svartberg Fall.' The photo shows Tanja and Heike Schmitt approaching Svartberg Fall, the heart of this climb was a 150m long pillar that had formed huge roofs, the like of which we’ve never encountered on any other climb. #accesstheinaccessible #matthiastakeover

Une publication partagée par Petzl (@petzl_official) le



Quand la glace défie la gravité… 



Plaisir de vivre le moment, nécessité de rester en vie 


Pour continuer l'aventure, rejoignez-nous sur notre compte Instagram : @petzl_official

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